Curriculum Plans
As a school, we hold central to the creation of our curriculum, the belief that reading is at the core of all successful learning. We are proud of our position as a reading school and prioritise every pupils’ development towards becoming a fluent, intuitive and aspirational reader; as a leisure activity, to aid positive wellbeing and finally as a key to unlocking the wider world of learning. Opportunities for reading, both for pleasure and for education, are built into all areas of our wider curriculum and we passionately advocate the rights of all children to learn to read successfully and with enjoyment.
Our curriculum is designed to be broad and balanced, offering a depth of coverage in all subjects and including a progression of knowledge and skills. We aspire to create stimulating, inspiring and welcoming learning environments in which our children can benefit from relevant, meaningful and creative learning experiences that capture their imagination. In turn, this enables our children to become independent, responsible and ambitious learners. All subjects are taught with rigour and challenge in a cross-curricular approach, with a key focus on collaborative learning for both pupils and staff. We aim to offer our pupils memorable learning experiences that help them to develop their full potential as autonomous learners and provide them with essential skills for not only their time at Vernon Park, but for their whole lives.
Pupil voice is widely encouraged to enable our children to take an active role in the development of our curriculum, whilst ensuring content is engaging, stimulating and enjoyable. Our curriculum is also designed to ensure that all children have positive emotional wellbeing, mental health and develop a healthy outlook on life. This supports our children to become responsible and emotive citizens and to be the best that they can be.
If remote education is required we use a number of platforms including: Google Classroom, Dojo, Seesaw, Times Table Rockstars, My Maths and