Welcome to our website, we hope you find it a useful and informative introduction to all aspects of life at Vernon Park.
Our school has been situated on this site, in the heart of Stockport since January 1909, becoming the primary school it is today in 1958. As a primary school we are passionate about educating over 300 children aged between 3 and 11 every day. We welcome and encourage families to work with us, so that the children can benefit fully from the outstanding education that we provide, we value and encourage their support. Our open door policy means that we welcome parents / carers suggestions, concerns or comments regarding how we can improve.
Our team of dedicated staff all contribute to making sure the children are the best that they can be and we work tirelessly for the good of them all. We are an inclusive school and children here make outstanding progress both educationally and emotionally and leave equipped with the skills and knowledge to achieve excellence in their chosen pathways.
We hope our website gives you a flavour of our wonderful school; however, we would encourage you to visit to fully appreciate its uniqueness and welcoming atmosphere.
Claire Lee
Head Teacher